Friday, March 1, 2013

Part of the job

Logistics Section, interoffice encrypted communication.
Classified: YES
Level: S-
Destination: 3-1-L Logistics.

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Fr: Colonel S. Kawanishi - Retired 
To:  General M. Thirboldt - Logistics Command, Rim Sectors
CC: General C. Silvermane - AUP Marines
CC: LiOff B. Lionheart- Department of State, Colonial Development Section

General Thirboldt,

While I have filed this report through standard channels, I have also, due to the time sensitive nature of the situation, chosen to forward this to you directly.  I believe the information and recommendations herein are directly relevant to the operation and reputation of your Regional Logistics command.  General Silvermane and Liaison Officer Lionheart can attest to the veracity and relevance of my reporting.

Shortly after the opening of Dragon's Egg to new settlement, the Department of State and Blue Sun, as the colony's sponsor, enlisted Cerberus Security to provide local security and defense to the new colony.  While many of the colonists were survivors of the Hale's Moon terraforming disaster, it was considered appropriate to engage a PMC to provide security in lieu of the colonists forming a local militia.

After some disputes regarding payment, contract obligations, and conduct, Cerberus Security reneged on their contract.  This, in of itself, would normally just entail arbitration and a footnote in their file.  However, Cerberus Security subsequently turned on the colony, going so far as to attempt a blockade of the main settlement. [[See reports: SPO-55391-A and SPO-55426-C for further detail]] 

While General Silvermane has offered to dispatch a Company strength unit from the 1st Marine Raiders to protect the colonists, Blue Sun, as the colony sponsor, with the support of DoS-CDS, will be dealing with the issue directly in their own way.  

It is my official recommendation, both as an UAP Officer and a member of the colony's local advisory board, to formally remove Cerberus Security's certification as an Authorized PMC for all future Alliance Military Assistance and Local Security contracts.

It is one thing for a PMC to dispute their contract.  It is another matter entirely for them to turn on the civilian population they were hired to protect.  Whether the organization faces criminal charges for their actions will be up to Justice.  I am more concerned with the prospect of them being in a position to so poorly represent the Alliance in the future.

Thank you for your consideration,

Colonel S. Kawanishi

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