Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dear Mister Niska

Dear Mister Niska,

Recently, your name has come up in connection with a number of incidents here on Hale's Moon Colony. Not surprisingly, these incidents have mostly been criminal in nature. Both petty, and otherwise.

As the duly elected leader of the colony, it is my duty to try and preserve a peaceful and healthy atmosphere for the citizens of Hale's Moon. A difficult task indeed, given the physical environment of a frontier mining colony, made all the more difficult when criminal elements are introduced into an otherwise civilized situation.

You no doubt remember the unfortunate accident that befell your representatives, Messrs Gee and Baker, when they attempted to establish an "intermediary" business here some months past. I would like to once again assure you that we are perfectly capable of handling our own transhipment needs without assistance. Also, I would like to apologize for sending your employees home in the same box. As you know, accidents involving the high explosives used in our mining operations often make identification, and separation, of victims quite difficult.

It would be unfortunate indeed if these incidents were to continue, as more than one large corporation has some investment in the colony and I am sure they will take steps to protect their interests if needed. If you wish to pursue legitimate business opportunities on the Rim, by all means do so, but please be aware that the reputation you have worked so hard to establish will necessitate additional scrutiny into any of your business dealings here on the Colony.

And, finally, I leave you with this.

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons. For they are powerful creatures, subtle and quick to anger. And you are small and crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

S. Kawanishi

It had been quite some time since I'd written a letter of this nature. Having written it, I was left debating whether or not I should send it. Niska was little more than a petty crime boss with a reputation for being a sadistic bastard. He had his fingers in the action across a fairly large swath of the Black, but was ultimately just a small time hood who got off on other people's pain.

Adelei Niska was to Criminal Masterminds what Jacques Clouseau was to Competent Detectives, or John Elwes was to Famous Philanthropists. The fact that no one had as yet ended him pointed more to the actual Powers of the 'Verse not considering him worth the effort than any power he had.

Would he get the message? Leave Hale's Moon the hell alone? Or would it piss him off? He wasn't a stupid man, obviously. But he was an egotistical one. It was fairly likely he would get the message and turn his attention to more lucrative pursuits elsewhere. Regardless of anything else, Hale's Moon wasn't exactly the most prosperous place to 'muscle in to.' If he took it personally, he would probably send some of his goons first, then the pet Ninja he supposedly had on staff when they met with an unfortunate mining accident.

Not our usual fare out here, but not something we couldn't handle.

I glanced over at the 'Frame the dominated the front wall of my office near the stairs. "What do you think, Blue. Should I send it? Or is that last barb just a little too much?"

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