Thursday, March 15, 2012

The one wherin the social situation becomes rather more complicated

I was never quite sure whether Simon actually fancied me, or if his wanting to initiate a relationship was part of a very elaborate cover we could both use to professional advantage.  He'd said as much once, early on, before he built the farmhouse and I moved in after KHI redeployed the orbital.  Our relationship could be just for show, since it would make things a bit easier for our respective covers if we appeared hitched.  But he'd also said he loved me.  But now?  Now I wasn't sure what to think.

After being on an Op for way too long.  After dropping so far off the grid that even his network didn't know where he was, and I knew, since I'd jacked it.  After an orphan girl shows up on my doorstep at Lily's suggestion.  After all that, he comes back.  Not just back, but back with news I'm not entirely sure I'm comfortable with.

I knew Sabrina and I would end up with an actual divorce.  Wasn't really wanting it, but it was what it was.  She'd left.  I'd let her.  Not an acrimonious ending, but an ending nonetheless.  I'd held on to the marriage on the off chance she'd come back.  And, if she didn't, I could still say I was married as a way to keep potential suitors at bay.  Not that I had any.  'Cept Simon.  Wasn't like I was alone every night either.  A Registered Companion can work wonders for a mood, as can a friend with benefits.  Was part of the understanding.  Someone keeping the bed warm when the one you love is half way across the 34 Tauri system doesn't mean you don't love them.  Just means you need a little warmth.

What I hadn't expected was Simon to come back to Dragon's Egg with papers from a court way to high to be dealing with divorce settlements, declaring it done and over.  All I had to do was confirm and sign.  More then that, he had a fancy engagement ring with him and said he'd spoken to my folks to get their approval before he proposed for real.  How he'd pulled that off, I wasn't sure.  Even if he'd slipped through my net, Mother would have sent me a wave to tell me he'd come.  If not, Father certainly would have.  Just the thrill of a man taking interest in me would be enough for that.  And Grandfather?  Simon had connections at least as far up the food chain as mine, which would get him an audience with Grandfather.  But him not sending a wave?

Something didn't seem quite right in the whole situation.  But I'd figure that out.  While I hadn't agreed to marry him, at least not yet, I'd at least agreed to make the flight back to Ariel to see my folks.  Bit of a vacation.  Sort of.  Officially, I had Leave coming and, somehow, Simon'd gotten Tag to authorize me taking an extended leave.  Thing was, my other role wasn't really something I could step away from for any length of time.  The network was still too tenuous, too fragile, for me to just leave it be.  Yes, I had competent people in place.  But that didn't mean my rapidly budding network could run itself.

There would be a lot to work out.  Wasn't sure I was ready to get hitched.  Not so soon after ending it with 'Brina.  Not even sure I want to be married to a man, though it'd make Father happy.  Much as I love him, chances of me giving him the grandson he wants is pretty slim.  Not sure I'm willing to marry someone who hasn't taken me to bed.  Tradition or not, there's something to be said for knowing what you're getting in to.  Or what's getting in to you, as the case may be.  A lot of traditions in the 'Verse, and mucha s he's said he doesn't want to change me I can't see getting hitched before you know if you're compatible in bed.  Wouldn't be such an issue if 'no sex afore weddin'' didn't usually come with 'you're expected to not be beddin' anyone else.'  May not be an issue, but it was something 'Brina and I'd worked out.  Not going to be there to keep the bed warm, it's ok to have someone keep the bed warm.  Just so long as you didn't get anything you didn't intend to keep, and it was just a beddin.

We'd have time on the flight though.  Why he'd picked an old 'Fly for the trip I didn't know, but we'd have time to sort things out.


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