Sunday, December 11, 2011

Deep Black

The situation on Dragon's Egg is becoming too unstable to continue with my plans. While I've still got a secure link to Saule Silencieuse, and my own Wave Equation on tap, the influx of PMC's and other unsavory types to Dragon's Egg isn't helping my situation. It helps that I've had the entire communications network jacked almost since I arrived, but it'll only be a matter of time before the Alliance takes notice of what's happening and increases their presence even more.

The farmhouse was an unlikely base of operations for me, to be sure, but it was what I had after the decision to move the platform. Though, in truth, Simon had built the place with me and my needs in mind. There was a layer of hull metal between the outer brick layers and the inner wood paneling. The windows were made from the same material they made spaceship viewports from, and there as a concealed fire suppression system built into the ceiling. Add to that a generator that had come out of an Alliance landing craft and more than adequate computing and communication stacks, and I was set. At least I had been set.

There were some things to be said for mild anarchy, of course. For one thing, it was much easier to hide an Intel operation when no one was sure what was going on outside the limited scope of what they could see. But anarchy was, by definition, unstable. And unstable wasn't what I needed for the kind of work I needed to do. So far, it hadn't been an issue. Maybe it was my reputation that was keeping people at bay, but even the Reavers were giving the farmhouse a wide margin. But how long would that last?

It appeared I would need to find a new base of operations.

But where?

Assuming I couldn't secure the situation on Dragon's Egg, of course.  But what would that entail?  There was a subtle push from several directions to establish some form of local government on the colony.  That would actually suit my needs, provided it wasn't too intrusive.  A few of the old Hale's Moon residents had approached me about reclaiming my spot as Mayor but, to be honest, I wasn't sure I wanted it.  The social makeup of the colony had changed.  The feel was different and I knew there were some people who'd actively oppose my leadership.
That being what it was, I'd be willing to go with more or less any government the colonists decided to implement.  If it became intrusive, I'd leave.  Or, at the very least, move far enough from the settlement to declare independence from their government.  So far, the nearest thing to a government was our self declared Sheriff, Bram, who'd been in the role on Hale's before we had to abandon rock.  His authority was marginal without even a council, though if the Alliance made him a Deputy Marshall he'd actually be the local law.  Though his deputizing Nick was probably a mistake.  We'd have to see how that turned out.

Logistically, Surfer's New Paradise was potentially a good option.  The local government was one of the most laid back in the entire 34 Tauri system and I was well familiar with the colony and its customs.  It was also closer to the Core and better positioned than Dragon's Egg for my needs, also, the locals wouldn't give my girls any hassle when they came to visit.  Honestly, it was a strong contender, but I was a little reluctant to place any kind of burden on my kinfolk.  Even if Uncle Sobi wasn't biologically my kin.

The other option was, of course, to settle onto the IAV Saule Silencieuse.  I already had an office there, the crew was pleasant, if a little odd.  Though who in Signals Intelligence wasn't?  I was comfortable in the Deep Black.  I'd spent a lot of time there, alone, when I went into semi-retirement the first time.  But a Kamkamoss class Corvette wasn't exactly the best place to receive casual visitors.  Her mission required a good deal of obscurity and having people flying out in unmasked civilian boats wouldn't make things any easier.

I could always move back to the platform.  But there was still the matter of traffic and having less control over what was coming and going at the new location.  No.  That wasn't really an option, at least as currently deployed.

For better or worse.  I was staying where I was.

Home is where your dog is.

A new location
A place to do my calling
Home's where your dog is

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