Saturday, August 14, 2010


I've never been a big fan of Bounty Hunters. While it could be argued they provide a valuable service, assisting law enforcement to apprehend dangerous fugitives in situations where they lack resources, the fact of the matter is that Bounty Hunting is, ultimately, trading in Human misery. While some of the folk drawn to the profession are actually of a mindset where they believe they're doing right, many of them are in it strictly for the money and there are some who, well, let's say they have a long way to go before being considered respectable.

The ones I find most annoying, at least on a professional level, are the ones who think they're above the law. Specifically the local law. Yes, a local sheriff doesn't have jurisdiction in a District, or System, case. But they are still the law. And Bounty Hunters, any Bounty Hunters, are operating on the fringe of the law, and some of what they do is downright criminal. Which makes me more than a bit curious when one shows up on Hale's.

Since the Alliance came in and changed things up a bit with their Martial Law edict, our local Sheriff's department hasn't exactly been on top of their game. I don't think any of us have. While having them here is actually beneficial to my "other" job, it's caused a bit of friction in my official capacity as the colony's erstwhile leader.

But a Core-based bounty hunter showing up here, just a few days after letting Max and Jeff off world, just strikes me as being a bit of a strange coincidence. Add too it an attitude of "the Alliance keeps out of my way" and you just know something's going to end poorly for someone. Things being what they are, my bet is it being the guy who doesn't have a Cruiser on station with a Regiment of Marines feeling the pain. But that's just me.

Polite enough, though he seemed rather insistent on blowing off my advice to check in with our Sheriff's office. I suppose it had something to do with the 'out of my way' attitude. After all, if you don't respect the military, why would you respect the local Sheriff? Not like he'd actually know the depths of skill some of the folk out here bring to the table.

I'd keep an eye on him. Whether his bounty was legit or not, we'd worry about later. But I knew the attitudes of both local law enforcement and the Alliance command. Could just imagine Silvermane's reaction to some bounty hunter telling her to stay out of his way, let along Gallagher or Lily's.

Ultimately, though, it wasn't my worry. I'd tell Lionheart about it and let her pass it on up the food chain. They'd made it her job, and I really didn't intend to let her slack at it.

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